Travel Friendly
This super combination of our 2 best selling bars + cookies will ensure that you have everything you need for your travel .
Key Features:
1. Convenient to carry.
2. Perfect to munch on between meals.
3. Perfect tea/coffee companions on road tripping breaks.
1 unit of Variety Box of Go Grub Snack Bars - Go Grub snack bars continue to be best sellers since their launch. With whole nuts, 100% natural ingredients, punch pf protein and the goodness of nuts and berries, our snack bars are healthy and delicious.
1 unit of Sesame Coconut Oat Cookies – Made with rolled oats, real butter and with the goodness of coconut and sesame, these cookies are perfect for a crunchy snack or a post meal dessert .
1 unit of Sweet & Salty Ajwain Cookies – Made with rolled, real butter this pack is a sweet and salty delight. Add to that the healthiness of carrom seeds and it is the perfect upgrade to your everyday cookie!
- Your all time snack
- When you need an instant kick of energy
- Carry it on holidays and trips
- Satiate your mid meal hunger pangs
- In office meetings
Store in a cool dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight
This product has been made on equipement that manufactures dairy, soy and nuts
Taste Guarantee
COD Available
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